Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Crocks! Also, tell us your dreams of homesteading.

No new images today because I foolishly forgot to grab the photos the Lady of the House had for me last night when I got home from work. I'd specifically wanted to have a few new photos of the babies who are doing well. Even the runt! I had really wanted the photos though because we have again been the beneficiaries of kindness, and I wanted to show folks.

Instead I'll just talk about it for now, and show photos next time. As I mentioned a few weeks back we've been unsatisfied with the heated water bottles and in really cold weather the regular water bottles freeze up very fast. We'd decided to start using the Quick Lock Crocks but we didn't have the money to do so immediately. Well, a friend of mine who I've been keeping in touch with over the internet since we are no longer local to each other kindly purchased us a set of 6 of them online, and had them shipped to us! Dorado has happily taken to his, and will drain it before he touches his water bottle. For the hutches with smaller rabbits in them we are going to have to do some drilling to put them low enough for babies, but that is just fine!

One of the things my old friend and I talk about is homesteading. I'm doing it, or at least getting started at it. He is currently in a fast paced urban job, and he mentions from time to time that he dreams of doing what we do. I've also had a few other folks who read the blog mention that they dream of homesteading, or that they are a bit jealous of us. So here's the question of the day.

What are your homesteading dreams? If you have already started, what were your dreams that lead you to homesteading?

The Lady of the House and I didn't start thinking of homesteading until we were in our house. And at that point it was plan and execute, not so much dream and look forward to the day we had the opportunity to do what we are doing. We have plans and ideas for what to do to expand our homesteading, and become more and more food secure, ethical, and locally grounded obviously. That seems different though.

So sound off here on the blog, and talk about your dreams, your ideas, and your hopes for homesteading etc. and why if you can!

Thursday I will have some more substance for you all, and sorry about the quick post today!


  1. I dunno about you love, but I've dreamed of chickens forever! That said, my homesteading plans ended there until I read that bit about rabbits and turned to you and said "we should try this."

  2. Hi! I just found you guys through a link on reddit, and wanted to say 'hi' and 'cool blog'! My husband and I are homesteading (I use the term loosely; I still have a full time job and all) in Saskatchewan, Canada. I have wanted to do this since I spent a summer on my auntie's acreage when I was ten. Took almost 25 years to accomplish, but I got here! I really wish we had more time and more money to devote to the homestead; sometimes things are frustratingly slow. However, I'm grateful to be out in the country at all. My current dreams are to get the bathroom fixed so everything works, to get a buckling to expand our goat herd, to move the gardens to more convenient places, and to get a few more hens to replace what the fox killed off. We'll see if we can accomplish all that...

    1. Hey there jj,

      Thanks for the comment, and I'm glad you enjoy the blog. We are in a similar situation in a lot of ways with both of us working full time plus. Sounds like you have reasonable goals which is a really important part of realistic homesteading in my opinion. Best of luck with everything you are doing, and thanks again for coming in.
